Basics of Economics

Basics of Economics

Basics of Economics

"Basis of Economics" is based on a modern concept reducing the complexity of economic theories, especially for the use in bilingual education. The clear structure of the subject is complemented and intensified by new graphical elements. The language is closely oriented towards the target group.

The special features of this book include: – Relevance to everyday life – Descriptive approaches to the chapters motivate and establish economic connections – A history of economic thought – Formation of the European Union, its development, an the way it works

WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Dieses Buch war im Schuljahr 2022/23 letztmalig in der Schulbuchliste enthalten.

Ab dem Schuljahr 2023/24 ist eine Bestellung dieses Buchs im Rahmen der Schulbuchaktion nur mehr als „Unterrichtsmittel eigener Wahl“ möglich.


Aus der Reihe: Basics of Economics
Dr. Renate Hofstadler
MMag. Dr. Helmut Lichowski
MMag. Dr. Gertrude Trompisch
96 Seiten
21,0 × 29,7
4600, 4710, 4730
Preis: € 15,20
inkl. 10 % Mwst.

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